Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Thank you Miss Eliz!

I would like to thank you miss for everything!
and because of that i'll give you a thank you poetry!

Dear teacher…
The school’s best hire
Never, should you retire
Your advice never misfires
You, we really admire
You never tire
You never breathe fire
You always inspire
You always push us higher
Thank you.

When you teach
Your words just flow
At that time nowhere else
I want to stand up and go
When you explain something
It makes me take notice
And when I understand that
It gives me sheer bliss
Learning, with you
Is such a wonderful journey
Dear teacher, today I give
My thanks to you abundantly.

While teaching, you put in
Your heart and soul, it shows
As students, we appreciate it
Is what we want you to know
Even though we don’t
Express it out aloud
Of your significant contribution
In our lives, we have no doubt
Thank you

Out of all the memories
That I have of school
Of having so much fun
And breaking every rule
Of all the good times
That I’ve had with friends
Of doing crazy things
And enjoying to no end
There is one memory
That I cherish from the heart
And that is being your student
From the very start
Thank you.

We will miss you ma'am.!
we hope we could see you again!

Speech Choir and Ignite Speech Competition!!!

Finally, the last day of school!, it was the best yet the stressful day for the whole school year, because we need to submit so many things and even do so many things in the same day or one day, that day or today was our speech choir competition, and for me I feel like I’m not ready because I think we needed to practice more and we needed to not add more movements or etc. which is actually our problem, so anyway our Competition theme was all about “The Caged Bird” and we had a trainer who studied the poetry about it, and he said it talks about the discrimination of the black to the white before, you know the word “Racism”, yeah that’s the perfect word that is being described in the poem itself, so my section dressed ourselves like black people and try to aced that there where suffering so many pains and discrimination from the white people, and by the time we performed, I believed it was okay but there was a wrong timing part in our presentation and we missed some props and because of that , I believe it was deducted a lot, and for our ignite speaker, she did great…as in ever since the first speech she’d ever spoke, it was fluent and proper, which is actually nice!, and because of that our speaker won 1st runner-up for the ignite competition, and for the Integrity competition, I was so proud of my friend because he is the champion of the Integrity speech, even though he stutters and blah blah he gives a good message about Integrity has no rules, and yes I’ve enjoyed the day and it was totally worth it, and I hope that next time we could win another competition and this time, champions!.

Story Telling!!!

After the float parade , we had this event called, the storytelling competition, and it was so fun, hearing all the stories of other contestants while we are just siting there and listen, and that reminds me of an article that has something to do with the science of storytelling...
"A good story can make or break a presentation, article, or conversation. But why is that? When Buffer co-founder Leo Widrich started to market his product through stories instead of benefits and bullet points, sign-ups went through the roof. Here he shares the science of why storytelling is so uniquely powerful.In 1748, the British politician and aristocrat John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich, spent a lot of his free time playing cards. He greatly enjoyed eating a snack while still keeping one hand free for the cards. So he came up with the idea to eat beef between slices of toast, which would allow him to finally eat and play cards at the same time. Eating his newly invented "sandwich," the name for two slices of bread with meat in between, became one of the most popular meal inventions in the western world.What's interesting about this is that you are very likely to never forget the story of who invented the sandwich ever again. Or at least, much less likely to do so, if it would have been presented to us in bullet points or other purely information-based form.For over 27,000 years, since the first cave paintings were discovered, telling stories has been one of our most fundamental communication methods.Recently a good friend of mine gave me an introduction to the power of storytelling, and I wanted to learn more.Here is the science around storytelling and how we can use it to make better decisions every day:We all enjoy a good story, whether it's a novel, a movie, or simply something one of our friends is explaining to us. But why do we feel so much more engaged when we hear a narrative about events?It's in fact quite simple. If we listen to a powerpoint presentation with boring bullet points, a certain part in the brain gets activated. Scientists call this Broca's area and Wernicke's area. Overall, it hits our language processing parts in the brain, where we decode words into meaning. And that's it, nothing else happens.When we are being told a story, things change dramatically. Not only are the language processing parts in our brain activated, but any other area in our brain that we would use when experiencing the events of the story are too.If someone tells us about how delicious certain foods were, our sensory cortex lights up. If it's about motion, our motor cortex gets active:"Metaphors like "The singer had a velvet voice" and "He had leathery hands" roused the sensory cortex. […] Then, the brains of participants were scanned as they read sentences like "John grasped the object" and "Pablo kicked the ball." The scans revealed activity in the motor cortex, which coordinates the body's movements."

so this is just one interesting thing about story telling, but anyway, the competition was fun! 

Speech Speech Speech!

It was the second to the last day of school and I was so happy and excited because my freshman years are going to be over and I’ll face a new challenges which is sophomore years, and oh by the way, when I arrived from the auditorium…I was wondering why they were debating and it turns out it was a game, a game all, I was actually pushed by my classmates because they wanted me to join and yes I forced myself but to be honest I’m not good at debating when I didn’t study the topic, and because of that I was just acting like a super dumb person, and yes I didn’t win, but I had a prize too , but aside from that, this second to the last day was an event when all the speakers who are chosen for Integrity are going to recite there speeches in front of all the audiences, and by the way that was actually a competition, we have around 6 people who’ll be doing it in our class and sadly none of them made it to the top, 
but it’s okay because I was so proud of my former classmate who is actually my friend because he made it to the finals, and the finals was pretty hassle though, because the finalist needed to perform their speeches in the auditorium, with a lots of people which is really the enemy of people who have stage frights, my friend by the way he did great, although he sort of stutter and he repeated what he says, his speeches where great, I love the message and the context of his speeches and I don’t even care about the problem because nobody is perfect, well for Tyron Santos…it’s just a gift given by God, and to conclude this, those days where very memorable and fun and humiliating…


Who wants to be a Millionaire? I do! Wait I think everyone does…*Laughs!*, so anyway this “Who wants to be a Millionaire” is actually one of the SoMa week event! And actually I wasn’t part of it because I am not good at those, but anyway it was fun watching the contestants answering all the questions together, and of course! we have also representatives in our block answering all of the questions, the questions where actually interesting and some of them I considered  them to be a “hugot” , I forgot some of the questions but it is actually a quote made from one of the writers that are written at the matching types. By the way, who wants to be a millionaire goes like this it is a game wherein they are around 3 representatives on stage and they’ll try to guess the following questions, actually it’s a matching type, if you answer the question correctly, you’ll receive points (money).. And about our representatives, they are actually good in English literature , grammar comprehension, and affixations, so that’s why they’ve got the highest scores and they move on to the next level…

After the semi-finals me and my block mates where amazed that our representatives made it to the top finals, we were all like “WOOOHOOOOOO!!!!” “POFJPDJFDJPSFSDPRISDPRO…” “OMG IM CRYING!!” “GOOOO LEXI HUEY AND KUYA EDD!!...” and many more… and there opponent would be the older batch, I believe it is batch ’13 ….I think it’s ABMA 135??... and so again we were nuts and proud because of our representatives, but sadly…they were just 1 runner-up and the other section was the winner, but it was actually fine because they’ve got home a trophy and a money, I seem to be quiet jealous because they have those but I got over it for a while…

Happy Birthday Benjamin Alves!!!

Benjamin Alves, I defined him in two words, “Alluring” and “Philosophical”, indeed, he also smart, nice, handsome, and many more. But first of all, I just want to say…He is really a humble person, because unlike any other celebrity he celebrates his birthday is probably different colleges, or maybe just our school, but anyway…he is the only celebrity I knew that did this during their birthdays, second, the celebration was nice, it was chill, relaxing, and entertaining, because of slam poetry, the best lines of the slam poetry by the way “Hi, I’m a human/person just like you…”, it was the funniest and the cutest line I had ever heard because it was repeated during the presentation, so me and my friends laugh and laugh while the contestants  where presenting , and third, the food. (Period), I love how they made the lasagna and the sandwich, and plus they give us souvenirs too and it was a cap. Wow how amazing was that! I would like to offer a gratitude to him by just saying “Thank You” and “Happy Belated Birthday”, it was such a honor for him as a celebrity to do those stuffs, and oh by the way about him, Benjamin Alves role as one of the main casts in an Filipino film entitled “Sana Dati” , it was a sad yet a good movie because it takes about keep moving forward and you know….forget the past, and the other main casts are Lovi Poe and Paolo Avelino, just another fact for you al to know, so any way if ever I could meet Benjamin Alves, I would like to thank him for celebrating his birthday in Asia Pacific College and maybe give him a super belated birthday gift….

And because of that, here is a picture of me and him! <3


During that time, we've watched a cute yet an adventurous British film entitled "Paddington Bear", a film which I actually found interesting due to all the characters accents and a food that the main character ate, I forgot the name of the food…I think it was marmalade??...Okay I think it that , but seriously though...I am so desperate in speaking British and eating marmalade right now, or maybe just go to England in general, but anyway...the movie itself talks about a bear that travels in England, he met this man and his family , oh before I’ll tell you the rest of the story, I’ll tell you what I know about the bears personality, he seem to be gentle and nice, and somehow he is sort of adventurous and strategic , he wears a fireman outfit (a blue coat with silver stripes below with a red hat on top) and as a bear he his sort of short for his height, very short
Paddington is an innocent bear that knows how to speak , he barely knows a lot because he doesn't really know the reality of this world , but because of these family, he tend to adjust himself about learning this and that and those which actually make him end up staying with them and be one with them as a family, though at some part of the movie, he was in trouble because there was a girl who wanted him to be a staff animal in the museum because I believe his species are sort of rare, and afterwards the family tries to look for him and they rescued him from the evil girl, and because of that movie, I've learn that family is one of the top priorities in life, even if this moral is simple to know, it is actually the most important think to know... Even though life carries on, we couldn't forget our family which the last 3 letters ily is like the acronym of I Love You.